Thursday, January 05, 2006


S'not funny

I may be keeping a low profile on Saturday at City's home game. I eventually managed to write my article and ended up having a bit of a go at our home support - too quiet, too negative etc. Hopefully something exciting will happen over the next week so that I have some idea what to write about next week (and not get lynched). Surprisingly, Family Guy wasn't much help in terms of inspiration. Maybe the new series of Scrubs will be more use.....

I've spent the day drinking lemsip and drowning in a sea of tissues. My nose is redder than Rudolph's at the moment - do they still do those tissues coated in Aloe Vera? Could do with them. Having a cold, and feeling like crap, at this moment is not ideal as I've got a shit load of work to do for Monday, including revision for two (accounts) exams (that's my weekend sorted then....). This is what happens when you slack off for the entire holidays.

Ho hum, back to Scrubs....

My inaugural screw up of the day award goes to The International Coal Group who allowed families of 12 miners who had become trapped to believe for a good three hours that they had been found alive before setting them straight. They're apologising now, but it might be said to be too little too late.

Get better soon.
How about less blog and more slog!
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