Saturday, June 04, 2005


Wacko Jacko

You'll be glad to know (well maybe) that 5aside was pretty tiring and that I might actually get to bed before the sun comes up. Excellent.

Before that though I think it's time for a rant. I don't know if you've been following the Jackson trial, but I have and I find it simply amazing. The feeding frenzy surrounding it would be comical if it wasn't for the fact that a guy's life and reputation is at stake. I say his reputation as, despite the numerous jokes told as his expense, I'm not sure if many people really believe he's a paedophile. An in-depth survey carried out by me this evening (3 people in the pub) suggests this may be the case. The general feeling was that, yes he's odd but not in a threatening way and certainly not in a child-molesting way.

Having followed the case vaguely I get the feeling the defense has done a pretty good job of undermining the prosecutions case and painting the Arvisos in a bad light. It's now up to the jury who'll take, it seems, around 2 weeks to reach a verdict on the 10 charges against Jackson. I just hope that the general mocking that Jacko receives and his reputation for being odd don't affect the jury's decision. They should be aware that they've got a guy's life at stake (not in the death-penalty way (now there's a theme for another rant!)) and that they have a duty to reach a decision (or decisions) objectively. The judge will have made this clear to them, but it can be difficult to get passed prejudices sometimes as they can be so deep-seated that the person may not even realise they're being affected by it. It'll be interesting to see what happens, and perhaps more interesting to watch the reaction to it in the US and world media.

Grecianed is obviously of the opinion that indecent assault (1st year crin law mate!!) is ok. I too believe that Jacko is not perhaps a nasty 'kiddy fiddler'or any other such synonym but he is odd to say the least and having watched his documentary and noted that macauley culkin (sp) admitted sleeping in his bed at a young age I feel that he does deserve to be censured over his conduct with kids as he clearly thinks this sort of behaviour is normal which, by the way, it isn't.
If you could point me in the direction of the case in which Jackson was found guilty of indecent assualt I'd be most grateful. Innocent until proven guilty? Personally I'm waiting for the verdict.

As I said, yes he's odd but I'm not convinced he's dangerous. Yes, sleeping with kids (in a non-sexual manner!) at his age is weird (though not a crime). No denying that - but surely it's up to the parents of the kids to decide whether or not to let that happen. They are quite able to NOT let their kids go to Neverland.
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