Friday, June 03, 2005


An interesting start

I'm not entirely sure why I've started this blog. It's probably best explained as a combination of boredom and work avoidance. I am, it should be said, a king of procrastination. I can make the smallest of unimportant tasks take hours and once I actually start work I'm easily distracted and once distracted, there's little chance of getting back to work for hours. Should probably work on that. Oh well.

Anyway, I don't want to waffle on about me because, quite frankly, I'm not entirely exciting. No idea what I'm going to write about in this thing. There's no grand plan or anything. It'll more than likely be a dull stream of consciousness on whatever I feel like ranting about. Life, the universe and everything (now theres a good book - still not seen the Hitchhiker yet film though).

So, what's the rant for today? Su doku. I love the things. If you don't know what they are, should explain it all. They're basically logical thinking puzzles that have sprung up next to crosswords in numerous newspapers. They look innocuous enough - but for some reason I can't NOT do them. I am addicted. To a puzzle. I really need to get a life. I've got exams coming up soon so thats probably not going to happen for a least a few more weeks. But: su doku! Why? What is it about the things that is so great? Rows and columns that have to be filled in with numbers. It sounds pretty dull right? Well they're not. They suck you in and before you know it, hours have gone by and you've still not done half of it. Madness. I would say give them a go if you've not tried one before, but I'd be condemning you to a hours of wasted time. So I'm actually going to say - avoid them for the sake of your friends and family.

Su doku - as addictive as cigarettes, as pointful as Celebrity Love Island.

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